Ever since Geometry Wars, the stylized Tron-ish twin-stick shooter sure seems popular. If you're into space shooters, Ballistic offers a ton of on-screen enemies, plenty of upgrades, and flashy, seizure-inducing, somewhat simplified graphics. Everything a top-down shooter needs, right? Enemies come at you in continuous waves in the standard mode, or you can try for achievement-style goals in Challenge mode.
Ballistic SE (Special Edition) is an intense and highly-polished arena-style twin-stick shooter from Radiangames. Blast your way through an infinite number of Waves, or dive into 5 intense challenges. In Waves mode, you get to upgrade every 5 waves and keep playing until you die. Can you make it all the way to wave 100 and beyond? In Challenge mode, you choose one of 5 full-speed challenges, allocate your 10 enhancement points, and go all-out for 2 minutes of glorious swarm-blasting action.
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